The Quebec Kandahar (QK) Cup

The Quebec Kandahar Cup was first presented to the Canadian Amateur Ski Association in 1931. The cup shown here was gifted to the McGill Red Birds Ski Club in 1936, five years after they began hosting the annual Quebec Kandahar races at Mont Tremblant. 

The latter cup was made of solid, sterling silver and was cast by Henry George Murphy of London, England. Not counting the ebony plinth or base, it stands 40 cm centimetres tall and weighs just under one kilogram. The plinth bears individual silver plaques, etched with the year, the name of the winner and the club they represented.  The first plaque is inscribed: 1932 George Jost – Red Birds.

The RBSC has awarded the cup every year since 1932, save for the war years (1943 – 45), and several times during the mid Eighties and early Nineties when Mont Tremblant management lost all interest in hosting it. In 1992, the Red Birds joined forces with the Club de Ski de Mont Tremblant and revived the Quebec Kandahar Cup races.

Today, winners of the men’s races are awarded a Red Birds Quebec Kanadahar Cup Pin, while the women continue to compete for the Ryan Cup.

Photo courtesy Red Bird Ski Club.