Herman “Jackrabbit” Smith Johannsen, c. 1953.
Close-up of Mr. Herman “Jackrabbit” Smith Johannsen believed to be taken at the annual Ski Jumping competition (c. 1953/54) beside the last St. Sauveur Red Bird House. Jackrabbit was one of the judges. Frank Mcintyre took the picture candidly.
Jackrabbit Johannsen remains one of Canada’a best known skiing personalities, “Jackrabbit” is said to be the name given to him by the Cree of Northern Ontario impressed with his ability to make his way speedily through the dense woods and deep snow.
Born in Norway in 1875, his passion for skiing was undiminished until the day he died at the age of 111 years. Besides influencing countless skiers by his vitality and boundless enthusiasm, his contribution to the development of cross-country skiing and tourism, particularly in the Laurentian region of Quebec and the eastern United States, was incalculable.
b)photo, c)photo, d)photo, e)negative, f)photo

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