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Canadian Ski Hall of Fame 2020 Inductee Ceremony


The Canadian Ski Hall of Fame will welcome the Class of 2020 inductees during a virtual presentation to be held on Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 8 p.m. EST / 5 p.m. PT.

Register Now!

Circumstances related to Covid-19 have impacted the Canadian Ski Hall of Fame Induction event planning process. Hosting an event to honour our Inductees and their achievements in a safe environment is a priority.  Two Induction event postponements resulted in delays in honouring our new inductees.  Unable to host a physical event due to pandemic measures and in order to avoid further delay, the Class of 2019 was welcomed into the Canadian Ski Hall of Fame during a “virtual” Induction event held on June 29, 2021.  Accessed through a Zoom platform, viewers from around the globe were able to enjoy this joyous occasion. The Class of 2020 will be celebrated and honoured in our second “virtual” Induction event on Thursday, April 28, 2022.

Please join us in honouring our 2020 Inductees:  

  • Alexandre Bilodeau – Athlete Freestyle
  • Gordon Canning – Alpine Builder
  • Philip Chew – Para Alpine Coach
  • Joe Fitzgerald – Freestyle Builder
  • Darrell MacLachlan – Alpine Builder (deceased)
  • Dave Wood – Nordic Coach