2021 Annual General Meeting Notice
The virtual Annual and Special Meeting of the Canadian Ski Hall of Fame and Museum Members has been postponed to Thursday, September 23, 2021 at 16:00 pm EST.
Voting Members can receive the required documents via email request to [email protected].
- Every member entitled to vote may, by a written form acceptable by the Secretary of the CSHFM may appoint a person as a proxy to attend and act at the meeting with the same power as if the member were present.
- Members may return via email anElectronic Proxy submitting it to [email protected] by September 13, 2021. In order to be valid and accepted under the Bylaws the proxy must include:
o Your name and confirming that you are a member in good standing;
o The name of your Proxy;
o Confirm you are both 18 years of age or older.
o The meeting and date for which they are appointed as your proxy. (Resubmit any previously completed proxies using the attached proxy form.)
Motions by Members to the Board
- In accordance with article 4.4.2 of the new Bylaws where the AGM business includes any motion put forward to the Board, duly moved and seconded by voting members, that motion shall be filed with the Board no later than five days of the AGM notice having been published. The motion shall be reviewed by the Board for consideration for potential inclusion in the agenda of business to be transacted at the AGM. Email any proposed motion(s) to[email protected]
New Bylaws
- Your volunteer Board of Directors has spent the past many months working intensively to revise the CSHFM bylaws including recent member consultations.In order to adopt the new Bylaws, voting members are asked to consider these Bylaws at the Annual and Special Meeting of Members. To assist with your review voting members can receive the required documents via email request to[email protected].
Voting (Article 4.8)
- Persons entitled to be present in person or by teleconference at the Annual and Special Meeting of Members shall be those entitled to vote at the meeting. Other people may participate at the meeting on the invitation of the chair but with no right to vote.
- Every question submitted to the meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes on a show of hands, ballot or if available, the results of electronic voting.
To speak during our virtual meetings you will require a microphone to be heard and a camera on your device to be seen on the meeting. You may also join by audio (microphone) only. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
Thank you in advance for your continued support and we look forward to your attendance at the Annual and Special Meeting of Members on September 23rd at 4:00pm EST.